- Uninstall Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 Without Password
- Uninstall Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 Without Password Recovery Tool
Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows is most often installed from the console, Kaspersky Security Center. Policies are created in the console that cause Kaspersky to be locked from changes on the client workstation. Uninstall is not just a simple Add and Remove Programs process.
Kaspersky has a service running on the workstation called Self Defense that keeps some registry entries locked and the installed folder for Kaspersky locked from changes. This causes uninstall to have to be done in Windows Safe Mode.
6 Steps total
Step 1: Uninstall Steps
Once you kill the process, the password prompt disappears and the uninstall continues! Msiexec.exe is the Windows Installer utility that is invoked whenever you install or uninstall a program. I’m not sure if this will work with newer versions of Endpoint, like 13 or 14, because I haven’t tried it. Uninstall Checkpoint Endpoint Security Without Password A really sad day from a product launch perspective. The Forefront Product Group announced the delays the schedule and changes the strategy from a architecture perspective for Forefront Endpoint Protection.
KAVRemover.exe run in Windows Safemode is required to uninstall
Make sure that a copy of KAVRemover.exe is copied to a local location on the affected PC
Step 2: Boot into safemode using F8 at startup
If you don't see the menu at startup that offers Safe Mode, restart PC again, you missed it.
Step 3: Login with an Administrator account
Step 4: Run KAVRemover.exe
a. No need to uninstall the Network Agent
b. Choose KES10 for Windows, type in code, and click Remove
c. If no Kaspersky AV is detected, KAVRemover.exe must be run from Command Prompt (run as Admin)
i. If KAVRemover must be run from CMD Prompt, change working directory to its location
ii. Use this command without quotes 'KAVRemover.exe -nodetect'
iii. Choose KES10 for Windows, type in code, click Remove
Step 5: When it completes, click OK, reboot
Step 6: Reinstall from KSC
Kaspersky Security Center (KSC)
Uninstall Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 Without Password
Uninstall Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 Without Password Recovery Tool
- Macehsc5775 Dec 10, 2014 at 07:55am
there was a specific problem that has made the complete delete necessary?
We also use Kaspersky.
the reference to the use in the Uninstaller in Safe mode was new to me
thx - PoblanoDaveKamps Jan 23, 2015 at 02:42pm
Since the communication to the KSC from that workstation wasn't operable, Self Defense would not turn off its lock on the install location, which has the folders, in essence, in Read Only mode. To get Self Defense to not start and lock the install location folders so that a uninstall/reinstall would be possible, it has to be done in this situation from Safe Mode.