Dd Form 626 Requires Drivers To Provide Which Of The Following

Following too closely 17. Tires on center or lane marker 19. Braking erratically 20. Signaling inconsistent with driving actions 21. Other (specify) vehicle in motion personal contact 1. Driver admitted: a. Operating vehicle b. Consuming alcohol c. Motor vehicle crash 3. Container or alcohol beverage: a. COMPLETE DD FORM 626 Before loading vehicles with Class A or B ammunition, explosives, and other hazardous material, you must inspect the materials and complete each item on DD Form 626. SHIPPING PAPERS/DD FORM 2890 FOR GOVERNMENT VEHICLE SHIPMENTS 23. COPY OF DD FORM 626 FOR DRIVER 24. SHIPPED UNDER DOT SPECIAL PERMIT 868 ORIGIN (1) DESTINATION (2) SAT UNSAT SAT UNSAT COMMENTS (3) This section applies to Commercial and Government/Military vehicles. All items will be. In order to obtain this designation, applicants must currently be serving in the United States Armed Forces; or provide verification of honorable discharge from the United States military (DD Form 214), or provide certification from the United States Veterans Administration or other appropriate branch of the United States Armed Forces verifying. ORAL WAIVER (Provide name, title, and date in Remarks) INSPECTION WAIVED (Waiver attached) GOVERNMENT INSPECTED (Report attached) 35. DISPOSITION DATA REJECTED. DD FORM 1348-1 CY DD FORM 250 ACTUAL REPAIR COST COMMODITY OTHER OTHER 38. ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION DD FORM 361 (BACK), JUN 2006.

Chapter 3

Munitions Supply Procedures

This chapter describes combat/SASO ammunition supply operations. These operations include receipt, turn-in, issue, shipment, and retrograde.


3-1. The term, receipt, refers to a shipment of ammunition received from an ASP, a CSA, or a TSA, or directly from a port, depot, or manufacturing plant. Receipt must not be confused with unit turn-in. Ammunition receipt operations include completion of administrative details, inspection of vehicles, and unloading of ammunition at the designated storage location. Stocks received by an ammunition supply unit are recorded on stock records, reported to the appropriate MMC, and stored for subsequent shipment or issue.

3-2. The supporting MMC normally notifies an ammunition unit in advance of a scheduled incoming shipment. However, unscheduled emergency resupply shipments may arrive at any time. To ensure that notification is received, the unit should maintain close coordination and communication with the MMC. Once the unit receives a notice, it selects storage locations and makes plans to unload and store the ammunition. During the planning stage, the unit must examine storage compatibility, Q-D requirements, and security factors. Also, it must consider any mission requirements for configuring stocks into MCLs. It may be necessary to rewarehouse or consolidate some stocks already in storage to make room for additional stocks and to facilitate vehicle off-loading at the planned storage location. Planning also includes assigning enough people and equipment to complete the operation safely and efficiently.

3-3. Receipts at TSAs and CSAs are normally in large quantities. TSAs receive 100 percent of stocks directly from the POD, and CSAs receive 50 percent from the POD and 50 percent from the TSA. Receipts may arrive on trailers or PLS flatracks in palletized break-bulk configuration or in containers. It is also possible that some will arrive as configured loads. In a mature theater, representatives of ammunition units may be tasked to assist with the off-loading and distribution of stocks at the POD. In an immature or maturing theater, an LSE or AST coordinates off-loading and distribution of stocks to storage areas. See FM 9-6 for more information.

3-4. When the shipment arrives at the storage location, the convoy commander or supervisor provides the control section with a copy of the shipping/receipt documentation. Vehicles are inspected in the vehicle holding area before entering the ammunition storage area.


3-5. Attention to the following guidelines makes the receipt of ammunition safer and easier to control:

  • Be aware that a single shipment may contain mixed DODICs, NSNs, and lot numbers. Conduct a detailed inventory during or after the unloading process. Use advanced notices of receipts for planning storage location operations.
  • Inspect ammunition thoroughly for damage and safety hazards.
  • Check unit SOP for guidance if ammunition is arriving by a particular mode of transportation.
  • Check planographs, magazine drawings, or FSU sizes to determine if rewarehousing is needed to accommodate the receipt. Complete rewarehousing before shipment arrives.
  • Consider the amount of labor, MHE/CHE, and time required for off-loading.


3-6. The forms listed below are generally required when receiving ammunition. An 'R' following the form number indicates that the unit may reproduce the form.

  • DA Form 3020-R. Prepared for each lot and stack of ammunition stored during receiving operations.
  • DA Form 3151-R. Used to record storage locations of all items in the shipment.
  • DD Form 626. Used by storage facility personnel to inspect arriving vehicles before unloading. Prepared IAW 49 CFR and DOD Regulation 4500.9-R.
  • DD Form 1348-1A. Prepared by the shipper, an accountable document used to complete the shipment. Contains detailed information about the shipment.
  • DD Form 1384. Prepared by shipper, provides vital data concerning the shipment. Stays with ammunition during shipment.


3-7. The flowchart in Figure 3-1 is a guide for planning and conducting receiving operations at the ASA based upon a receipt of notification from the MMC. It can also be used for writing SOPs for ammunition receipts.


3-8. Military ammunition inspectors, QASAS, or other qualified personnel inspect all incoming, loaded transports before they enter the storage area, regardless of the transportation mode. Since ammunition is especially sensitive to fire, the transports (e.g., tractors, trailers, railcars) and their cargo must be inspected for safety and fire hazards. Also, inspectors must check the transports for evidence of tampering or sabotage. Inspectors will inform the driver or convoy commander of any deficiencies. If the deficiencies cannot be corrected, the driver or convoy commander will coordinate with his unit to ensure that serviceable transports are provided.

Figure 3-1. Receipt Procedures

Figure 3-1. Receipt Procedures (Continued)

Motor Vehicles

3-9. Motor vehicles are inspected as they arrive at the storage facility using DD Form 626, which is carried with each shipment. The driver must have a valid vehicle operating permit and HAZMAT qualification unless exempted by an HN agreement. Also, the following items on the vehicle will be inspected:

  • Cargo area for excessive debris and POL products.
  • Steering for safe operation.
  • Windshield and wipers for adequate operation.
  • Fire extinguishers for serviceability.
  • Brakes and lights (especially for night operations) for proper operation.
  • Exhaust system for accumulation of grease, oil, or gasoline and carbon monoxide fumes leaking into the cab.
  • Fuel tanks and lines for leaks.
  • Trailer coupling device for serviceability.
  • Tires for any dangerous condition.
  • Ammunition load to ensure it is securely blocked and braced or secured with cargo straps.

Under no circumstances will a vehicle be allowed into an ASA with a defect that endangers the load or the ASA.


3-10. In most cases, a QASAS is available when the railcar is spotted and opened. Inspections are conducted at a designated inspection area. If sabotage or other unsafe condition is suspected, the railcar will be moved to another area so that authorized security and/or EOD personnel can inspect it. Off-loading can begin as soon as the car passes inspection.

Aircraft and Vessels

3-11. The assistance of other services is necessary to ensure that aircraft and vessels are inspected properly. Also, a QASAS/qualified military inspector must be available at the storage area since transporting with aircraft and vessels requires motor vehicles or railcars to move munitions to and from the actual storage site.

3-12. Transport inspections ensure that the mission can be completed with minimal danger to personnel and that there will be no loss of munitions due to unsafe conditions. Peacetime inspection criteria are stringent. While criteria or standards may be relaxed to speed the flow of ammunition during combat/SASO, it must not be enough to cause unwarranted safety hazards. Unit commanders must ensure that any relaxation of the inspection policy is fully understood by ammunition unit personnel and that safety standards are clarified to using units. See DA Pam 385-64 for added guidance.


3-13. The control section initiates the storage process when it reviews receipt documentation, selects storage locations, and prepares a DA Form 3151-R. Checkers and other personnel and equipment are assigned to off-load the vehicles. Checkers escort vehicles or group of vehicles to the storage locations where type, lot, condition, and quantity of load are verified and inspections are conducted. As ammunition is stored, the checker/storage personnel will either prepare a DA Form 3020-R for each lot number by condition code and location or update the existing form.

3-14. After each motor vehicle is off-loaded, it is driven to the vehicle assembly area and returned to the control of the convoy commander. The checker returns the DA Form 3151-R to the control section where it is reviewed for accuracy and completeness. The total quantity of each item as shown on the DA Form 3151-R is cross-checked against the total quantity shown on the shipping/receipt document. The accountable officer signs the shipping/receipt document, and posts accountable stock records. A signed copy of this document is given to the convoy commander or supervisor. All transaction documents are filed for use as backup for posting accountable records.

3-15. If a discrepancy is noted between the two transaction documents, a recount is made. The actual quantity verified as received by the control section is entered on the shipping/receipt document. Discrepancies in quantity or condition of ammunition are reported to the shipper using an SF 364, Report of Discrepancy.

3-16. Depending on the storage facility, some modification of the process in Figure 3-1 may be necessary. However, any modification will be based on maintaining flexibility, simplicity, and adequate control during receipt operations. See Chapter 9 for more information on the storage process.


3-17. The term, turn-in, refers to the return of unexpended ammunition and salvage items to a storage facility by the using unit. Turn-ins must not be confused with receipts. During combat/SASO, the quantity of turn-ins is difficult to predict and depends on mission requirements, redeployment schedules, and a variety of other factors. Turn-ins may include unserviceable items, unused ammunition, and CEA. Regardless of the quantity or rate, all items must be thoroughly inspected and reported to the control section. For safety and economy, commands must encourage units to return munitions in original packaging. Ammunition support units must develop an SOP that outlines operations and procedures for returning ammunition and residue. See AR 710-2 and DA Pam 710-2-1 for more information.

3-18. Using units may be required to turn in salvage and residue materiel, including expended cartridge cases, containers, wooden boxes, and metal cans. To ensure that explosive items are not mixed in, all such materiel must be thoroughly inspected. Salvage materiel is stored in the inert salvage area. It is inventoried, recorded, and reported to the appropriate MMC for disposition instructions. The accountable officer must ensure that required documents are maintained.


3-19. For safer and easier control of the munitions turn-in process, the following guidelines must be observed:

Dd Form 626 Requires Drivers To Provide Which Of The Following Describes

  • Encourage units to return munitions in original packaging.
  • Discourage units from opening more rounds and packages than they need for their operations.
  • Inspect all turn-ins thoroughly to identify unserviceable and hazardous munitions and mixed lots.
  • Inspect all salvage and residue items thoroughly to ensure that they do not contain any explosive or hazardous materials.

The above points must be emphasized throughout the logistic and combat chains. Emphasis is more stringent in SASO where using units must exercise greater control. Also, the potential exists for operations to be concluded without expenditure of munitions. The greater the control, the smoother and more economical the retrograde/redeployment process. Munitions managers at the unit, brigade, division, corps, and MMC levels must be consistent in the guidance they provide.


3-20. The forms listed below are used for processing turn-ins. An 'R' following the form number indicates that the unit may reproduce the form.

  • DA Form 581. Prepared by using unit for turn-in of munitions and munitions-related items. Presented to storage facility at arrival.
  • DA Form 581-1. Used by unit when number of DODICs requested is more than can fit on the DA Form 581.
  • DA Form 3020-R. Prepared by storage facility for each lot and stack of munitions turned in. Checkers post transactions to existing form and ensure it is completed accurately.
  • DA Form 3151-R. Prepared by storage facility as temporary receipt or storage document. Directs relocation of specific items to specific storage locations. Used to track the movement of munitions within the storage facility.
  • DD Form 626. Used by storage facility to inspect vehicles for hazardous conditions before they enter the storage area.


3-21. The flowchart in Figure 3-2 helps in planning for and efficiently conducting receipt of using unit turn-ins. Also, it may be helpful for writing SOPs. Depending on the storage facility, some modification of this process may be necessary. Salvage and munitions turn-ins are handled in much the same way with the following exceptions:

  • Salvage materiel must be inspected for hazardous materials and certified that none are present.
  • Salvage materiel is stored in an area separate from munitions.
  • Salvage turn-ins must also be accounted for on stock records.
  • Small arms residue is not individually counted; its weight is converted to rounds using brass conversion factors (see Appendix D).

Salvage and recoverable items are listed in DA Pam 710-2-1, Appendix J. Within the theater, the MMC may direct the recovery of additional salvage materiel.


Dd Form 626 Requires Drivers To Provide Which Of The Following

3-22. The term, issue, refers to the transfer of ammunition stocks from a munitions storage facility to an authorized user, but not to another storage facility. Issues should not be confused with shipments. Units use the supply point distribution method to issue ammunition to using units. Responsible activity managers must support mission requirements. However, they must do so IAW guidance provided by higher headquarters relative to munitions support of using units in the AO. This process must be established as early as possible and understood by ammunition support units and using units. The OPORD logistical support annex and SOPs are developed to define issue operations and procedures.


3-23. Issues are based on S3 identified munitions requirements processed from the using unit's battalion S4 up to the brigade S4. The brigade S4 consolidates munitions requests and forwards them to the supporting FSB and to the DAO. The DAO coordinates with the corps MMC to meet unit ammunition requirements. Also, the brigade S4 and the DAO monitor the CSR, critical item shortages, and unit priority for munitions resupply. The CMMC supports these requirements by sending an MRO to the appropriate ammunition storage or supply activity.

Figure 3-2. Turn-In Procedures

Figure 3-2. Turn-In Procedures (Continued)


3-24. The following guidelines will assist ammunition units in providing efficient support:

  • Issue only serviceable munitions. See Appendix E for Ammunition Condition Codes.
  • Advise using units about limitations on the use of restricted munitions and munitions suspended from issue and use except for emergency combat. Depending on the type of operation, some munitions may not be authorized for issue, even if they are available at the storage facility. Ammunition units must ensure that any policy regarding such specific items is clearly understood. The supporting MMC is a good source of information.
  • Never issue munitions classified as 'suspended from issue and use.'
  • Closely monitor issues of miscellaneous small lots of artillery munitions so that using units do not constantly have to adjust registration.

3-25. Munitions must be issued as follows:

  • Priority 1. Smallest lots of munitions issued first.
  • Priority 2. Munitions designated as 'priority issue.'
  • Priority 3. Acceptable substitutes from excess stocks. Coordinate approval of substitution with requesting officer.
  • Priority 4. Oldest munitions of type being issued.
  • Priority 5. All other stocks.


3-26. The forms listed below are needed to issue munitions. An 'R' following the form number indicates that the unit may reproduce the form.

  • DA Form 581. Prepared by the requesting unit and presented to the storage facility for issue.
  • DA Form 1687. Properly completed form presented to storage facility by using unit. Used to ensure that DA Form 581s have the proper signatures.
  • DA Form 3020-R. Prepared by storage facility for all munitions in storage. Checkers post transactions affecting the on-hand balance to the existing DA Form 3020-R and ensure that forms are accurately completed.
  • DA Form 3151-R. Prepared by storage facility as a temporary receipt or storage document. Directs the relocation of specific items to specific storage locations. Used to track movement of munitions within the storage facility.
  • DD Form 626. Used by storage facility to inspect vehicles for hazardous conditions before they enter storage area.
  • DD Form 836. Prepared by storage facility for each driver of a vehicle that leaves the facility loaded with munitions. Drivers must keep this form in their possession at all times while transporting munitions.


3-27. As stated above, the DA Form 1687 is used to ensure that DA Form 581 has the proper signatures. In a division, the DAO or designated representative authenticates the DA Form 581 or facsimile-formatted document before the requesting unit arrives at the storage facility. In corps artillery, the S4 officer may be designated to authenticate the request. Authentication gives tactical commanders control of ammunition issues. With proper controls, ammunition managers at all levels can comply with sudden changes in priorities and allocations of munitions assets.

3-28. Combat operations/SASO and mission requirements are subject to constant change. Based on a last-minute change, for example, the using unit may arrive at the issue facility with a verbal request to change the quantity or type of items to be issued. The ASA, in coordination with the DAO or other command representative and the MMC, must then determine whether stocks are sufficient to support the requirement. All responsible parties will verify the issue. The ammunition unit SOP must contain guidelines to cover such situations.

3-29. Each storage facility maintains a list of the units it supports. While a basic list should be available from the supporting MMC or DAO, operational considerations may cause the list to evolve constantly. The storage facility must coordinate closely with the MMC to maintain mission continuity and to identify theater-specific policies that differ from the policies used by ammunition units in ordinary circumstances. The flowchart in Figure 3-3 is a guide for planning and conducting efficient issue operations. It may also be used for writing SOPs for munitions issues.

Figure 3-3. Issue Procedures


3-30. The term, shipment, indicates the movement and transfer of ammunition stocks from one storage facility to another—either into, within, or out of the theater. It includes movement to an ATP using transportation assets not organic to ammunition units. Also, it includes retrograde of serviceable and unserviceable munitions and CEA to the theater rear or out of the theater. Normally, theater, corps, or HN transportation assets are used for transportation. Shipments are not to be confused with issues.

3-31. In routine operations, ammunition shipments between storage facilities are directed by MRO only from the supporting theater or corps MMC. These shipments are made up from operating stocks arriving in the theater or from those stored in the TSAs or CSAs. Shipments over and above established CSR constraints may be made provided the theater Class V stock level exceeds theater demand and if approved through higher command channels. Shipments out of the theater to support other contingencies may also be made when directed. The DAO determines the munitions status of the division ATPs and decides if munitions in the division can be cross-leveled to meet division requirements.

3-32. In most situations, shipments in the combat/SASO zone are limited to highway transport. The MCA schedules transportation according to theater or corps priorities. Rail and water facilities may be used when available and if feasible. Aircraft are used only when absolutely necessary, usually for emergency resupply or special operations.

3-33. Munitions shipments to TSAs and CSAs are mostly containerized or palletized in break-bulk and uploaded on trailers or PLS flatracks. In most cases, only containerized munitions arrive at the TSA/CSA where they are unstuffed, configured into MCLs, and shipped forward to ASPs. If the mission requires, and if transportation is available, munitions are throughput as close to the using units as possible.

3-34. Munitions shipped from CSAs to ASPs are either in MCLs or break-bulk/single DODIC loads on PLS flatracks. ATP shipments from the CSA and the ASP are either in MCLs, break-bulk, or single DODIC loads. See FM 9-6 for more information on munitions flow in the theater of operations.


3-35. The supply facility begins planning the mechanics of the specific shipment upon receipt of an MRO, shipping instructions, or other shipment authority. The thoroughness of advance planning largely determines the efficiency of any shipping operation. Plans vary depending on the tactical situation, operational environment (i.e., METT-TC), type of shipment, and existing workload. Most accidents involving Class V items occur during transportation, movement, and handling. A detailed, step-by-step SOP will make shipment activities safer and more effective. The following actions must be considered when planning a shipment:

  • Verify availability of ammunition for shipment against on-hand assets.
  • Select adequate loading points for the operation.
  • Verify the condition code and any restrictions or suspension of the ammunition planned for shipment.
  • Determine total gross weight, cube, and security risk classification of the ammunition.
  • Determine ammunition compatibility for transportation IAW applicable motor vehicle/rail compatibility tables.
  • Coordinate with supporting MMC to ensure advance notice of munitions shipments.
  • Determine personnel necessary to complete the mission.
  • Determine MHE required.
  • Determine safety equipment, tools, packaging, and blocking and bracing materials required.
  • Establish timeline for entire operation.
  • Determine vehicle load plans and placarding requirements prior to start of operation.
  • Ensure security of munitions throughout entire operation.

3-36. The responsible MCC maintains liaison with local transportation agencies and designates an MCT to be the single point of contact for each shipping or receiving activity. The MCT is the link between the shipping activity and the transportation service organization. It receives transportation service requirements from the MCC and processes the requests. The MCT coordinates the activities of transportation operators and expedites movements of incoming and outgoing carriers.

3-37. The ammunition unit must coordinate with the MCT to ensure efficient transportation and ammunition service support. The unit must provide timely, accurate data on pending shipments. This way, the MCT can supply advance information on the mode of transportation, the time of arrival, and the positioning (spotting) of carriers.

3-38. The MCT notifies the receiving activity of the departure time, estimated time of arrival, transportation mode and number of transportation units involved, and other information needed to plan for receipt. Supporting transportation agencies should provide an SOP based on the policies and directives of the higher headquarters.


3-39. Ammunition shipments within a theater of operations must comply with theater and DA directives, safety regulations, and HN requirements (METT-TC-dependent). These directives may or may not be compatible with those used in CONUS. See DOD 4500.9-R for more information on shipments of ammunition. ARs 55-38, 710-2, 735-5 and 735-11-2 contain information on using required transportation documents.


Dd Form 626 Requires Drivers To Provide Which Of The Following Tasks

3-40. Military ammunition inspectors, QASAS, or other qualified personnel will inspect vehicles as discussed in the Receipts section of this chapter.


3-41. A TTP is a point on the route between the origin of supplies and the destination where supplies are transferred from one means of transport to another (e.g., transfer of Class V supplies from railcar to cargo truck or from cargo truck to aircraft). Normally, TTPs are the responsibility of transporters. However, when Class V items are involved, transportation personnel may require technical advice and assistance from ammunition unit personnel. TTPs should not be confused with ATPs.


3-42. Railhead operations, US/WHNS, may be part of ammunition supply operations. A railhead is a transfer point where ammunition is moved from truck to railcar, or vice versa. Specific guidance for shipping by rail—including safety precautions, loading, blocking and bracing, positioning (spotting) of loaded cars, certifying cars, and inspecting loads—are found in DA Pam 385-64; CFR, Title 49; and if available, AMC drawings. Inspection standards during combat operations/SASO are based on theater policy, METT-TC, and criticality of mission.


3-43. While ammunition supply units may be required to provide technical assistance, MTMC and transportation units are responsible for loading and off-loading waterborne vessels in the theater of operations. See DA Pam 385-64 and CFR, Title 49 for more information. Also, USCG regulations govern the classification, compatibility, and stowage of ammunition aboard all waterborne vessels in waters under US jurisdiction. The Coast Guard is usually responsible for the security and supervision of waterborne vessels, including barges.


3-44. All ammunition supply facilities use motor vehicle procedures for shipping operations. DD Form 1384 or a facsimile formatted document may be used to request transportation for a shipment. Requirements may be coordinated via computer, telephone, or radio links. See DA Pam 385-64 for motor vehicle shipment regulations, precautions and safe handling procedures, inspection criteria, and technical escort procedures. Shipper and carrier responsibilities are contained in DOD 4500.9-R and theater-specific transportation regulations.


3-45. Air shipments of ammunition may be made at USA and USAF airfields, at heliports, and at ammunition sling-load areas. The Air Force controls air terminal operations at USAF airfields. Munitions shipments into and out of USAF facilities require careful coordination to prevent disruption of service. Airfields must have staging areas where documents may be prepared and bulk shipments can be received and prepared for shipment.

3-46. Air shipments are preplanned for each aircraft by weight, cube, and compatibility. When possible, the arrival of loaded vehicles will coincide with aircraft availability. Normally, Army/Air Force personnel escort vehicles to the aircraft. The aircraft commander, loadmaster, or crew chief is responsible for supervising the stacking and lashing of the cargo.

3-47. The Class V storage facility is usually responsible for sling-load areas. Loaded cargo nets must be placed in the landing area so that helicopters can hover to pick them up. Cargo nets may be loaded at the airfield or at the ammunition supply facility and transported to the airfield.

3-48. A Hazardous Materials Declaration, or facsimile-formatted document, must be attached to each pallet of ammunition to be shipped by military or commercial aircraft. This document certifies that the shipment complies with the provisions of TM 38-250 or 49 CFR. An individual who has successfully completed the Special Handling Data/Certification Course must sign all copies of the form. For information on aircraft specifications, operating regulations, loading and unloading procedures, and special handling certification, see AR 95-27, DA Pam 385-64, TM 38-250, and 49 CFR.


3-49. The forms listed below are needed to ship ammunition. An 'R' following the form number indicates that the unit may reproduce the form.

  • DD Form 1384. Prime transportation information document prepared for each shipment by the supply activity making the shipment; carries transportation data throughout the movement cycle. Basis for advance planning; speeds movement of cargo at terminals and other transshipment and transfer points. Provides information needed to trace, locate, and divert shipments. During combat/SASO, a facsimile-formatted document prepared manually, by computer, or in message format may be used.
  • DD Form 626. Used by storage facility to inspect vehicles for hazardous conditions before entering the storage area and, once loaded, before leaving the storage facility.
  • DD Form 836. Prepared by storage facility for each driver of a vehicle that leaves the facility loaded with munitions. Drivers must keep the form in their possession at all times while transporting munitions.
  • DD Form 1348-1A. Accountable document prepared by the shipper for each NSN/TCN combination. Includes ammunition management data required to process the transaction in SAAS. Also serves as MRO, confirmation or denial, and advance notice of shipment.
  • DA Form 3151-R. Used to record storage locations of all items in the shipment. Tracks the movement of munitions within the storage facility.
  • Placards and labels. Ensure that appropriate placards and labels are properly affixed to vehicles before loading.


Dd Form 626 Requires Drivers To Provide Which Of The Following Reagents

3-50. The flowchart in Figure 3-4 below may assist in planning and conducting shipping operations and in writing SOPs. This chart can be modified to meet special requirements and conditions.

Figure 3-4. Shipping Procedures


Figure 3-4. Shipping Procedures (Continued)


3-51. Ammunition supply operations such as receipt, turn-in, issue, shipment, and retrograde are likely to be requested to support both combat operations and SASO. The theater or CMMC is a key organizational element in the shipment and retrograde process in terms of authorizing movement of munitions and packaging material. The MCA and its MCTs play a critical role in the transportation process.

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Dd Form 626 Requires Drivers To Provide Which Of The Following Except

Be sure to read the instructions in their entirety, as some requirements has changed due to the COVID-19 Pandemic by The Under Secretary of Defense, there are critical requirements that must be met in order to be issued an ID card or to make DEERS update. Extension of Exception to Policy allowing the Temporary Acceptance of Expired Department of Defense Credentials during the COVID-19 National Emergency. Uniform Services Identification (USID) card for access to DoD Installations remain in effect until March 30, 2021. Common Access Cards (CAC) transaction shall be limited to initial issuance or reissuance of an expiring CAC with 30 days of expiration. CACs shall not be reissued due to the printed information changes (e.g., promotions, name changes). Increased minimum age for all ID card issuances requirement from age 10 to 14.

Customers are required to have an appointment. Customers must present two (2) valid (unexpired) forms of identification (click here to see complete listing of authorized identity documents) and required documentation at the scheduled appointment. Sponsors must accompany their Family members at all times, however in the absence of the Sponsor, this facility does accept power of attorney, or a DD Form 1172-2 that is generated by a DEERS/ID Cards Facility or online by visiting: https://www.dmdc.osd.mil/self_service/rapids/ and follow the steps to generate a DD Form 1172-2. You must have a CAC reader to complete the DD Form 1172-2 online. The form is only good for 90 days from date signed.

***Due COVID-19 Pandemic West Point policy guidance, when visiting the United States Military Academy, mask MUST be worn upon entering all buildings.